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Launch of the Covid-19 and diabetes ABCD national audit

We may have passed the initial peak of Covid-19, but we are only starting to understand the impact of Covid-19 on people living with diabetes.  

Sadly, almost a third of those who died during the pandemic in the UK had diabetes. Data from NHS England identified that those with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes had a 3.5- and 2- fold increased risk of excess death, respectively. Many unanswered questions remain.

ABCD are keen to explore the relationship between Covid-19 and diabetes in more detail, through a national audit. By capturing detailed real-world data on the clinical presentation, co-morbidities, therapies, and outcomes in those admitted to hospital with Covid-19 and diabetes we hope to provide more thorough insights into the impact of Covid-19. Ultimately this audit will provide much needed data to help inform future policy and management.

The audit is open to both ABCD members and non-members to join

For more details about the audit, and to register, visit:

Many thanks,

Dr Emma Wilmot, Dr Rustam Rea and Dr Bob Ryder

On behalf of the ABCD Covid-19 & diabetes national audit team

Prof Kamlesh Khunti, Prof Sarah Wild, Dr Ben Field, Dr Parth Narendran, Dr Rajev Ghandi, Dr Sophie Harris, Dr Dinesh Nagi