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Endocrinology and Diabetes 2019 Workforce Survey Launched

Today we have launched our new, annual census of consultants in diabetes and endocrinology. This is being done on behalf of ABCD; SfE; Diabetes UK and The Royal College of Physicians London who are also project managing this census.

The data from this census is used to plan the future workforce of our specialty, identify current gaps, help colleagues in making justification of expanding their departments, show how hard we work outside our specialty both in General Internal Medicine but also related activities such as education and management.

It only takes 10 minutes to fill in the new census and you can even fill it in on your phone! 10 minutes of your time will help us influence governments, support workforce planning and contribute to health policy.

NB: We’re closing the census on 21st February 2020.

If you have not received an invitation, but would like to take part, please email

Thank you for your time and continuing support with this work.